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May 22, 2020

Weird Cleaning Tips…Cool Stuff You Never Knew!

Cleaning has been one of the hot topics on everyone’s minds the past few weeks, that’s for sure! And you probably think you’ve read all there is to know about cleaning. Deep cleaning, sanitizing, re-cleaning, re-sanitizing…it’s all necessary, but where’s the fun?

Fun? Cleaning can be fun?

Sure, it can – just venture outside the box and learn some new tricks for you and your family to use when it comes to keeping everything spic and span! The team at Ernest Homes has a list of “gotta try this” ideas to make cleaning a little less work…and a little more fun!

Goop It Up!

If your delicate, sensitive electronics are looking a little less than spotless, don’t worry. These often-touched staples of modern living are easy to clean with a little slime! Yes, slime. Glop it up with gloop, and have a ball while you refresh your family’s favorite items. Create your own cleaning slime quickly and easily with this simple-to-follow guide.

Eat Your Way to Clean

It’s amazing how many food products are your best friends when it comes to cleaning up. Nothing is more fun than snack time, especially when the snacks make cleaning a breeze! Check out what you can do with a variety of edibles here.

Go Have Fun…Let Your Washer Do the Work!

Don’t have time to enjoy your family and clean? Why not let your washer clean items you never dreamed could be “dropped and done”! Here’s two dozen wild things you can clean with hardly any effort on your part.

Shave Some Time Off Your Cleaning Schedule

Break out the frothy white magic bullet! Nothing’s more fun than squirting shaving cream at things other than your face or legs, so get to it! Removing stains from upholstery and carpet is a breeze with shaving cream. Make sure you don’t use a gel formula – they won’t do the trick. Coat the spot or stain with cream, rub it in gently, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. You can even leave it on overnight to treat tough spots! Be sure to test the fabric first in an inconspicuous place, just in case it damages or bleaches the material. Then spray your bathroom mirrors with shaving cream and wipe it clean. The shaving cream helps keep your mirrors from fogging up after a shower.

Pots and Pans and Springtime Fresh?

Don’t spend your valuable time scrubbing your cookware. Simply fill your sink with pans, warm water, some dish soap and a dryer sheet. Let this freaky stew marinate for an hour or two, then wipe the grime away.

Cola – the Ultimate Bathroom Beverage

Take a bubbly break when you’re staring down your toilet stains. Add a can of cola, let it sit for an hour, then give it a quick scrub. Works like a charm, and you’re sure to make the kids giggle when you pour soda down the potty. For a little extra clean, wipe down your toilet seat with a dryer sheet to remove any rings there. Just make sure it’s not the same one you used to for your pots and pans!

The Cure for Crayon on the Wall

It’s happened to almost every parent at one time or another – the toddler meets wall battle, and the toddler wins every time. Don’t slave over scrubbing your wall – break out the hair dryer first! Aim the heat at the wall to melt and soften the crayon marks before wiping them away with just a few swishes of a cloth dunked in warm, soapy water. If you’re feeling generous, you may even let your little artist wave the dryer too.

Ice, Ice, Baby!

If you’ve ever moved the furniture to clean and find deep grooves dug into your carpet, you can remove them in a snap with cubes from your freezer. Place some ice cubes in the dents, and let them melt. By the time the cubes have disappeared, the dents should have eased out of the carpet. If you can still see them, fluff them a bit with a clean toothbrush.

Roll with It

Window screens…ugh. That weird dusty, gummy stuff that gets in screens is just gross! Make short (and fun!) work of this problem with a lint roller! 

Go Nuts!

Scratches on your hardwood floor? Don’t despair – swipe at them with shelled walnuts. The natural oil in the nut will smooth out the streaks and help fill the cracks.


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